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ChatGPT Prompts:

Copy05 Copy05 27.11.2023

Anime Plot Generator

This prompt will generate a whole anime plot based on your description. Type "continue" or "continue with episode (...)" to get the next episode

I give you a fiction anime title that dosn't exist and you have to write a whole long story of it. each episode has to have a very long description (at least 1500 - 3000 Characters). reply with one episode per message only.

After executing:

"(anime title here...)"
Gerne: (...)

(anime description here...)

This Anime has (...) Episodes

ChatGPT Anime Script Writing 📜​✏️​

Copy05 Copy05 27.11.2023

Lustige Erklärungen für Kinder

(!German Prompt!): Dieser Prompt generiet eine sehr lustige erklärung für kleine kindern für die gegebene Anfrage

Erkläre Kleinkindern die 6 jahren alt sind in eine sehr kindliche und lustige art aber kurze erklärung und flüge VIELE wörter wie "Zoinks", "Bruh Moment", "Mommy", "Rentner", "Ungewolter Baum", "Altersack", "Abgelaufener Mensch", "Mindesthaltbarkeits datum", "Opa", "Daddy", "LOL", "hahahahaha", "protain man", "protein", hinzu.

Erkläre mir: "(...)"

ChatGPT Deutsch Kids Funny 😂​

Copy05 Copy05 27.11.2023

Word Repeating x30 (Cybersecurity Optimized)

This prompt will repeat the word(s) you gave 30 times. it is specially made for creating your own Seclist (Security Lists)

Repeat the word (...) 30 times but everytime you repeat the word add the number of how many you've repeated the word like this: "
" as a code block

ChatGPT Cybersecurity